Mommy Gaming and Fitness: A Juggling Act
Posted by Amy at 8:41 PM 0 comments
The Universe Knows...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Universe knows me.
I've been getting these nifty little emails from The Universe. They're fun and usually pretty inspiring. Like a horoscope, you can twist the meaning in such a way that you think it was truly written just for you. I find that I am able to relate my notes for the Universe to my weight loss journey fairly often.
If you knew for absolute certain, Amybeth, that every little thing you did today would later be scrutinized, literally moment by moment, by a future you, and future friends, as well as anyone else interested, and you'd all be looking for a number of qualities, especially patience, kindness, and love, during this game of games and test of tests called life, how might you treat the very next person you see after reading this Note?
Yeah,The Universe
This one in particular really made me think. If I were looking back on myself from the future, I would be appalled by the way I treat...ME!
Think about it. I don't take care of body or love it the way it deserves. I feel it with nasty chemicals from awful processed foods. I allow my muscles to turn to mush. I talk negatively to myself and about myself to others. I refuse to buy myself nice clothes because I'm ashamed of my body.
That's not fair, at all. I deserve every ounce of respect that I show others. It's time to say no to disrespecting myself and begin being the friend that I deserve.
Do you treat yourself and your body unfairly?
Posted by Amy at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Learning to Say No
Monday, October 15, 2012
Used with permission from Arthlete |
One of the most difficult trials when losing weight is learning how to say "No." In the beginning it may feel like you are punishing yourself by taking away all the foods you love best. You may go through a phase of trying barter by finding healthier cookies and less fatty hamburgers. The truth is that by simply switching to a healthy version, you're still feeding the craving. Personally, I cannot do a small treat once in a while or a healthy alternative because I always want more.
I'm still losing, slowly...which is good enough for me. I feel like I can only focus on one thing at a time either nutrition or exercise. I know that in order to lose long term and keep it off I need to learn to do both, but right now I'm just taking baby steps and am still learning my way. One step at a time right?
Do you find that you have an easier time with exercise or with nutrition?
Posted by Amy at 6:46 PM 0 comments
The Truth You Don't Want to Admit to Yourself - A Guest Post
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Run like no one is watching. Photo by Bernd Moehle |
"Oh, I don't workout in public— Someone might see me."
If I had a nickle for every time I used to say that...well, lets just say I'd be typing this from a villa balcony in some rustic Italian city right now instead of my comfy recliner listening to the sounds of MarioKart coming from the kids bedroom. Don't tell me you haven't thought those words at some time or another, because I probably wouldn't believe you if you did. Do you skip your walk because there are people around? Do you avoid the gym because other people might see you exercising? Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? I get it. I do. You don't want others to see how red your face gets. You don't want them to notice that you're huffing and puffing harder than the Big Bad Wolf. You'd honestly like to be invisible. And you know what? It's all a lie. It's a lie we tell ourselves because we don't want to face the real truth. What's that you ask? We don't want to exercise in public, because others might see us. And if they see us, then they'll see that we're overweight. Well guess what honey? They already know you're overweight. They noticed it the moment you walked up. It's hardwired into them.People notice people who are different.
So, why would we continue to hurt our bodies (by remaining overweight) and our minds (by participating in negative self-talk) just to avoid something that everyone already noticed anyway? Because by pretending no one knows it, we can pretend it doesn't exist. We can pretend we're not different. It's a survival mechanism. Our brain knows that if we keep insulting ourselves, then we'll shut down. But not all systems are fool-proof. If we keep pretending, keep giving up, keep giving in, then we'll never get anywhere! If we keep telling ourselves that different=bad, we'll never make progress and we'll never succeed. We quit because there isn't an urgency. We quit because the reasons to continue aren't quite strong enough. We quit because we don't think we can finish. Let me ask you this... If someone held a gun to your head and ordered you to deliver a package a mile away, but only gave you 7 minutes... you bet your beautiful behind you'd run. You would run until you made it, or you passed out— but you'd do it. You'd do it because you'd have a reason to. You'd do it because the alternative is unacceptable. So today, I challenge you to find a reason. Find a reason right now. I want you to put that metaphorical "gunman" next to you and run like crazy. I'll leave you with a quote:“Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth.” —Mark TwainTell me what/who your "gunman" is in the comments below. Kim is the writer and creator behind Un-Copied Life where she writes twice weekly about non-conformity. You can also find her on Twitter and Google+.
Posted by Amy at 4:18 PM 0 comments
I'm Worth It
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
15 of these! |
Because I'm awesome and I can do this!
Posted by Amy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Bump It Up
Monday, October 8, 2012
I'm still here and kicking!
It's been a long, crazy week since I last posted. The mom's group I loved shut down at the end of last week. As a result, I am now part of a great group of women that started a new group, MomMe. I'm super excited to be working on this. It's been a busy and stressful undertaking, but it's good stress! That said, I've struggled to find time to sit down at the computer and post here.
I am still focused on my health goals but just got a bit off track with the extra responsibility added on. I'm struggled heavily with my water intake. I'm back to not drinking enough, which scares me because of my kidney issues a few months back. I hate to admit, that Dr Pepper is starting to taste good again. I was still ordering soda out of habit and had a few too many, because now they don't taste like crap anymore. Time to go on strike and ask my friends to tell me NO if I have a weak moment.
I've been getting up with Robert each morning...5 am, say WHAT!? I've found that doing so gives me some alone time before Meghan wakes up and helps me to get to bed at an earlier time each night. I don't enjoy the getting out of bed part, but once I have a cup of coffee or another warm beverage in me, I'm fine. I want to start using my exercise bike in the morning as well. I'm confident that getting up earlier and starting my day with exercise will help my energy level throughout the day.
Here are my goals for the week:
More water
Stick to my weekly dinner menu
Schedule exercise
What are your goals? What areas do you feel you need to work hard on?
Posted by Amy at 7:54 AM 0 comments
This week on Facebook...
Monday, October 1, 2012
This week on the Amybeth Loses Facebook page, we're sharing healthy recipes! I've been struggling with eating at home lately and asked my fans to submit their favorite healthy recipe. I'll be working on meal planning in the coming weeks and trying new things. I'll also be sharing my thoughts on what I cook at home.
Please stop by (don't forget to "like" the page to stay up to date!) and share your favorites! Your favorite might just become my favorite too!
Posted by Amy at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Friend Makin’ Mondays: Uniquely You
Uniquely You
Posted by Amy at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Following a 12 lb loss last month, it's easy to be disappointed by a much smaller loss. I, however, am not going to get down about it, because any loss it awesome in my eyes!
Previous to this, I had been gaining steadily and consistently. Maybe 2 lbs a month? Which means that my two pounds loss for this month was actually 4! Haha. Seriously though, sometimes not gaining is enough to be cheerful about. I know some people get caught up in the numbers and would be upset if they weren't losing at least 2 lbs a week. I'm just happy to be losing.
I won't lie, I know I could have lost more. I lost two weeks of exercise due to illness and my eating hasn't been as good as it could be. Knowing that, I know where I can improve for this next month. If I keep pushing and working at it, maybe I'll see a larger loss next time, but for now I'm just going to be happy with what I've got. Besides, I'm still seeing progress in so many other areas. I know I'm doing what's right for my health!
By the way, I still haven't been measured. I was sick on my measuring day this week and will once again have to reschedule.
P.S That -2 makes me at -14 lbs thus far! I think that's pretty awesome for two months work, right??
Posted by Amy at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Feeling Kind of Frumpy
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Source |
I haven't been to the gym in days. And I've been eating like crap. Not so much over eating, but just bad choices based on laziness and convenience. I'm getting better at saying no or making compromises, but I'm still human and I still make bad judgement calls. When I'm motivated, I do great. It's just having the discipline to stick with it
Committing doesn't mean, "When I feel like it." It's all the time. If I truly want to lead a healthy life and lose this weight, I have to be disciplined enough to just stick with it even when I don't feel like it.
There are going to be times, like this week, when I'm sick and my daughter's sick that I can't get to the gym. I have to learn to stop scrapping those days. Just because I can't work out doesn't mean all of my goals need to go out the window while I'm down. There is no reason why I can't still get my water intake and still eat healthfully. Just because I want to stop and pick up a large #1 combo from Wendy's doesn't mean I should.
One thing I've noticed lately, is that body is beginning to talk back at me for my bad choices. When I eat something greasy or drink soda, it weighs heavily on my stomach and makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel sick from it. Yet, because my mind hasn't caught up, I continue to ignore these messages my body is sending and keep making these bad choices. When a Coke doesn't taste good or makes me sick, I try a Sprite instead. When pizza makes me feel awful, I try Chinese.
I guess the message here is that I need to start listening to my body and start ignoring the negative messages my mind keeps sending.
Posted by Amy at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Friend Makin’ Mondays: Fall Favorites
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Fall Favorites
Posted by Amy at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Bragging Time: My husband
Friday, September 21, 2012
I just need to take a few moments to brag about my husband, Robert. We've been married for almost 10 years now. He may not be perfect, but he is the perfect husband for me. We've been through absolute hell on many occasions and have suffered through some of the worst things imaginable. But we've come out stronger than ever. We were married young and while I regret when we got married, I've never once regretted who I married. He is kind, funny, charming, incredibly smart, supportive, stable, strong, and just mine. You know how they say that one person in every couple loves the other more? We're still arguing about that one. I'm pretty sure it's me though...
April 2011 You can just see it, can't you? |
April 2011 |
April 2011 |
Posted by Amy at 5:31 PM 1 comments
Your Journey to a Healthy, Fit Life
Thursday, September 20, 2012
We good here? Great! So get going. Don't wait for tomorrow, start right now. Even if all you do is stand up and walk around your house, it's a start. Get to it!
P.S My trainer was unable to measure me yesterday because of a time misunderstanding, so I will not be measured until next Wednesday.
Posted by Amy at 3:52 PM 0 comments
I am Not a Lunch Lady...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
One of my biggest motivators is my daughter. Right now she's just two, but I want to be here to watch her children get married. I want to run around with her, jump rope, ride bikes, and any other active activity she gets interested in. I want to keep up.
Posted by Amy at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Friend Making Mondays: Blog Stuff
Monday, September 17, 2012
Blog Stuff
Posted by Amy at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Sick, Sick, SICK!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Source |
Where can I slow down? Really, I don't think I can drop anything. Sure, the house doesn't need to spotless and dinner doesn't have to be anything that takes a lot of work. But just keeping up with the basics is still a lot of work. I can't stop going out because I need me time, I need time to de-stress. Obviously, I can't stop caring for my daughter and part of that includes taking her places.
Honestly, I'm just hoping that my body will adjust. I'm saying no when I need to but going places when I feel I can. Which since I woke up Thursday morning, meant saying no. I was tired and received some stressful news. Then Friday, I woke up sick. Today I've just felt like death warmed over. I know it's OK to work out with a head cold, but when you barely feel like standing's just not happening.
I've just spent today reading, playing video games (GW2 YEAH!) and sleeping. Right now my husband is out buying me some cold medicine and some ice cream. Real ice cream. By golly, I am not going to feel guilty. I'm just going to enjoy my couch and ice cream. When I feel better, I'll be back at the gym kicking butt again. I just need a couple days to recoup.
Posted by Amy at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Non Scale Victories
Sunday, September 9, 2012
When you're focused on weight loss, as I am now, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers that appear each day on the scale. It can be discouraging and in the past has made me give up. That is why I decided to only weigh and measure myself once a month, rather than EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ok, three times a day. For real. After a while, the scale becomes this unhealthy focus and you give up without ever taking the time to notice all the positive changes in your body.
It's been about three weeks now since I started focusing on my exercise (striking what I was doing before my kidney episode) and ignoring the scale has forced me to pay attention to the other changes in my body. And let me tell you, I am so amazing, impressed, and PROUD of what my body is doing!
Robert noticed that my favorite jeans are becoming loose around my thighs, waist, and hips.
My hips bones stick out more and my abdomen beneath my belly button is flatter.
I still have pain that requires medication after most hard work outs. But the pain during the work outs has gotten a lot better. I'm no longer watching the clock in pain.
My endurance has improved greatly. When I returned to the gym after my kidney infection, I was struggling just to finish 15 minutes on the bike. By the time I was done I was covered in sweat, out of breath, and my heart rate was all over the place. Today, I completed 60 minutes and 11 miles on the bike doing intervals. I have never been on a stationary bike that long in my life! Aside from a numb butt and feet, it wasn't too bad. After about five minutes my legs had loosened back up and I wasn't completely worn out from it.
My strength training weights have increased significantly. Some of them have gone up as much as 70 lbs. I love being behind someone and seeing that I'm able to lift heavier weights than most.
My energy level has increased greatly. I might be tired a lot still, but I'm able to get things done. Because of this, I've been able to enjoy fun days out with my family and still work out later in the day.
You better believe these changes are very motivating! I'm excited for my next round of measurements and hope you are too!
Posted by Amy at 8:07 PM 3 comments
Just Do It!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Source |
I'm struggling with motivation today.
My daughter, Meghan, had a stomach bug on Monday night through Tuesday. I was super bummed to miss out on my aqua classes. I spent most of that day trying to squeeze in naps, prepare dinner, and care for my sick little one. Wednesday came and I didn't want to take her anywhere just in case, so I spent the day super cleaning the house. Which is great exercise!
Here we are on Thursday and I'm feeling so sluggish. I know it's because I haven't been to the gym. I ate a can of Chef Boyardee (hurricane food) for lunch out of convenience. Bad idea! I felt gross as soon as I finished it. I'm counting down for the weekend, payday, and grocery shopping to get some good, healthy food back in the house. I sat down to write out a grocery list and make a meal plan, but felt so overwhelmed that I couldn't even get started.
I don't want to go to the gym tonight. Really it's just that I don't want to go through the pains of getting everyone ready to go. But I will go and it will be worth it. I know this. I think after posting this, I'll hop on the bike and boost my energy a little that way.
In other news, I added a Progress and Pictures page. You can find it on the top right under "Pages". I'll be updating that page each month as I weigh in and such.
I have to admit, it was really hard to post pictures up there. Yuck. I really hate the way I look right now and am totally embarrassed by my body. That's why I'm doing this, right?
Posted by Amy at 1:49 PM 0 comments
All I want...
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Source |
I've written a lot about what I'm doing to accomplish my goals here, but not very much about what my goals are and why I want to lose weight.
- Lose 100+ lbs (I'll reveal the actual number as I feel more confident and comfortable here)
- Reach my goal weight of 150 lbs
- Shop Regular Size Clothing
- Gain Strength
- Gain Energy
- Increase My Life Span
- Be Healthier
- I don't want to feel tired all the time
- I want to be able to play with my daughter the way she wants me to
- I don't want other kids to tease her from having a fat mom
- I want to live long enough to watch my grandchildren get married and become a great-grandmother.
- I don't want to hurt the way I do now.
- I don't want to become sicker
- I don't want to leave a fitting room in tears because nothing fits
- I want to feel proud of my body
- I don't want my pain and fatigue to rule my life anymore
- I want to walk away from the doctor's office without having received a long lecture
- I want to feel like I fit in
- I want to accomplish something amazing
Posted by Amy at 4:00 PM 1 comments
Happy September!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Source |
- Drink one gallon of water each day.
- Do some form of exercise 6 days a week.
- Cut back on screen time.
Posted by Amy at 12:59 PM 1 comments
Follow Me!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Follow me on my brand new Pinterest and Twitter accounts...because I'm AWESOME!
Follow @amybethloses
Posted by Amy at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 31, 2012
Source |
Following my million and one squats on Wednesday, my upper legs and rear have been in killer pain. Standing up and walking around hurts, but nothing hurts worse than the act of sitting back down. Supporting my body as I lower myself down is just torture. My legs feel like a constant Charley Horse times a billion.
Posted by Amy at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Holy Crap! I've got the SQUATS!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Post Workout - O M G I'm gonna die or puke or die or something. |
So today was my much
My trainer, Amanda, was this fit blonde girl who thank god was not overly perky or rah rah let's DO THIS thing. I would have tae boed her in the face. Luckily, we seemed to mesh well and she listened to my concerns and took my limitations into account.
After some warm up exercises that just felt like exercise to me...we started the real stuff. She had me doing a circuit type workout with weights, squats, a series of silly walks, rowing, and stepping.
This all felt suspiciously like a beginners version of Cross Fit.
Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite that hard...I mean THAT would kill me for sure. However, they hand this chick a freaking bucket at the beginning! A bucket. You know, to puke in. Because by golly you're probably going to puke.
I did the routine without complaint. Squat. Step. Row. Squat. Step. Row. Squat. Step. OMG. Row. Squat. Squat. Freaking Squat. My face hurt. My heart was pounding. I'm pouring sweat from places I didn't know I could sweat from. Then I started getting this feeling like maybe I need the bucket. At first it was just a fear but then my body was telling me I needed to either STOP, puke or faint. Luckily, by the time my body decided it was about to choose for itself...we were done and it was time to stretch it out.
Afterward, I took a ten minute cold shower and chugged some water. I tried to get in the hot tub but it was too hot and made me want to puke even more. In fact, it was about 40 minutes before I didn't feel like puking anymore. And then I was HUNGRY! I had a sub with turkey, avocado, cucumbers, sprouts, and a bunch of other yummy veggies.
And now, I'm going to crawl upstairs to grab a quick nap before book club tonight. My legs are already screaming at me for doing so many squats.
But I DID IT! I survived! Woohoo!!!
Posted by Amy at 3:42 PM 4 comments
Weigh In Woes
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Posted by Amy at 11:56 AM 1 comments
Shut Down the Comparisons
Monday, August 27, 2012
Source: ARThlete |
I've spent the last couple of days looking for weight loss bloggers with similar goals to my own. Some of them have just started their journey (like me), some are half way there, and some have already reached their goals. I find it hard not to compare myself to these other women. Especially when they are more fit than I am currently.
I can't run, jog, jump, do planks, I can barely do a squat...I allow all of the can'ts to pile up in my brain and I just want to quit. How can I lose this weight if I can't even do a plank? Not even ONE plank. I can't lift my body from the floor. It's so daunting, I just want to give up before I've even started.
But you know what?
I can walk. I can swim. I can bike. I can lift. Everyone starts somewhere. I will not let me inabilities distract me from my abilities.
One step at a time. One ounce at a time. I CAN do this.
Posted by Amy at 1:07 PM 2 comments
Working Out with Fibromyalia
Friday, August 24, 2012
My friend, SS, is not the only one working out with me at the gym each day. I've got my long time friend Fibromyalgia along for the ride too and her companion pain medication.
I've always had psychological issues with taking my prescribed pain medication. My father was a long time drug (prescribed and illegal) abuser. He would lie and exaggerate pain for more drugs, constantly pushing the limits on how much he could take. Because of this, I've always had strict limits on my own drug and alcohol usage. I live in constant fear of having a substance abuse problem as he did. As a result, I often ignore or fight through my pain making it difficult to live up to my potential. I'd work hard in the gym one day and when my body screamed that night I would skip the next week out of fear of making it worse. This constant battle of pain from doing what my body needs and not wanting to take my prescribed medications as held me back immensely. I also convinced myself that being on a medication that other people abuse makes me a bad parent. See? All these rules. I can't take meds if I'm home alone with Meghan. I can't take meds if Robert takes something (even cold meds). It's good to be paranoid, but sometimes I go a little too far with it.
I guess it finally clicked in my brain that I needed to start accepting the help prescribed to me if it meant doing what I need to do. So now if I go to two aqua classes back to back and come home walking funny in pain, I'll take a pain pill. I still feel guilty, but I just need to work through it. I realize that with time the workouts will become less painful as I become stronger. Each workout puts me closer to my goal of being healthy and without so much pain. I know that loosing weight and gaining muscle will lower the amount of pain I deal with from day to day.
Sure, pain can be a warning sign. I know I need to not over do it. I'm listening to my body. For example, when I awoke in pain today, I decided to do cardio instead of an intense weight lifting class. Tonight I will go swimming for therapeutic proposes and loosen this tight muscles. Tomorrow I'll be attending a stretch class and if I will well enough after I'll do some weight lifting afterward. It's important that when I feel pain I shouldn't stop. I just need to modify and keep going. Any exercise is better than no exercise. Each and every day I will continue to exercise regardless of how I feel.
I will tell you that having a good friend along side me helps! It keeps me accountable and makes the time go by a little faster. Now it's not just going to the gym, it's visiting and socializing. Let's just hope she doesn't get tired of my awesomeness!
Posted by Amy at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Yesterday was my final weigh in for the Face2Face program. While I wish I could have done the full amount of exercise they suggested (Kidneys Suck), I am still happy to see the results that I have.
Weight: -12 pounds
Waist: -7.5 inches
Hips: -11 inches
Right Thigh: -1.5 inches
Left Thigh: -1 inch
Right Arm: -1.5 inches
Left Arm: -2.5 inches
Total Inches Lost: 25
TWENTY FIVE INCHES! I'm totally proud of that! Pretty good for having a major illness in the middle of it and being unable to exercise. I'm excited now to do this. Results are very motivating!
As a prize for being compliant (or in my case trying to be compliant!) I get one free personal training session next week. I'm a little nervous about that appointment, but I'm going to do it anyway. My trainer has agreed to keep measuring me every four weeks to help me chart my progress.
I cannot wait to share more progress with you guys! Big changes are coming, stay tuned!
Posted by Amy at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Kidneys Suck
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Just a few short hours after my last post, I woke up in severe pain and was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a severe kidney infection (left) and several small stones (right). I was able to come home for a few days only to end up back at the hospital to stay for several days. It was a very painful experience.
It's been almost four weeks now and I'm still struggling to regain my strength. I require a nap pretty much every day. I'm weak and wear out very easily. My regular workouts have had to be shortened, as I have a hard time making it through without severe dizziness and palpitations. It's pretty defeating.
As a result, my Face2Face program got pushed back a few weeks and my final weigh in is tomorrow. I'm disappointed that I was not able to do the exercise the way we talked about in the program. I should have been doing 3-5 days of cardio and 3 days of weights each week. I did pretty well at first but once I got sick I was out for three weeks and than had a hard time getting back in gear. I'm planning on asking the trainer if she is willing to remeasure me in a month so I can continue to see my results on paper. I know it's more about how I feel, but seeing those numbers is motivating.
For now I'm working on building back up to where I was with exercise and adding more in. Tonight I attended two aqua fitness classes with a friend. The second one was Aqua Zumba. It was a blast! I find that I am unable to do regular Zumba because of my joints and also because I'm a flailing idiot with four left feet, so Aqua Zumba is just right. No pressure on my joints and more importantly no one can see how stupid I look!
Stay tuned for those awesome Face2Face results!
Posted by Amy at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Now Hiring!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I had another kick butt day at the gym, this time doing intervals on the treadmill and AMT machine. Next week I will be having my nutrition appointment where I'll be bringing a log of everything I eat and drink over a three day period. One week from that I'll have my last appointment with my final weight and measurements. I'm excited to see the changes in my body! Already, I'm feeling more energetic and a little stronger.
One area I am lacking in is a good support team. I need friends (near or far) I can count on over this long journey to help push and motivate me. I need YOU to hold me accountable.
Are you interested in joining my support team? Email me to find out how you can help!
Posted by Amy at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
“We seem to gain wisdom more readily through our failures than through our successes. We always think of failure as the antithesis of success, but it isn't. Success often lies just the other side of failure.”
Leo F. Buscaglia
I failed. I gave up. I wimped out.
Tonight, I walked out of a class.
As part of the Face 2 Face program at the gym, it was recommended that I integrate classes into my fitness routine. Last week at my weight training meeting, I received a suggestion for a class from one of the trainers. If I completed the class, my name would be entered to win a "prize". I don't know what the so called prize would've been and maybe that's a good thing.
I've been having a hard time emotionally and have had to push myself extra hard each day. It was hard to find the motivation to try a new class. I was determined to push through it even though I just wanted the comfort of my bed.
I got to the gym a few minutes early and had to stand outside the group fitness room with several other women. This negative self talk was running high. "Those women are younger than me. They're thinner and fitter than me."
I entered with the others and followed their lead, choosing equipment and finding a place to set my stuff. When the instructor started handing out jump ropes I panicked. Then she started saying that all the tall people needed to move to spots that weren't under ceiling fans because of all the jumping jacks and jump roping we were going to be doing.
I picked up my water bottle and walked out the door.
I gave up without even trying.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs, my defeat started weighing heavily on me and pulling towards the exit that would take me back to home. I took a deep breath, turned away from the door and continued on to the weight line. I took my frustrations on the weights, pushing to 20 reps on most every machine. I got on the bike and then the treadmill. Finally, when I started shaking and those thoughts started bubbling over, I went to the steam room.
I sat alone, in the steam room for a good 15 minutes. I was unprepared and didn't have my bathing suit, so I sat there in my gym clothes until they were soaked. After a few minutes, I couldn't tell what was wetness from the humidity in the room and what was sweat...or tears.
I beat myself up for not trying. I asked myself why I was doing this at all. Why bother? I told myself I'd never succeed, that if I couldn't keep up then it wasn't worth fighting for.
And then I stopped. Who says I need to be able to jump rope to lose weight? Or ever? So what if I never jump rope again in my life? I didn't like jumping rope when I was a kid, I don't have to do it now either. Maybe all the jumping around won't hurt later on when I'm fit and healthy, but who says I have to do it?
Would I have been better off having pushed myself through that class and suffered the consequences later? Would I have been proud of myself tomorrow when I would have had to cancel the rest of my week so I could stay in bed with my pain pills? I don't think so.
Yes, I walked out on class that wasn't right for me. But I made the right decision for me and my body. I can lose weight without injuring myself in the process.
“Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever.”
Nancy Lopez
Posted by Amy at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Chugging Along
Monday, July 16, 2012
Despite eating out a couple times last week, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. I've been going to the gym regularly and trying out new things. I even tried Aqua Zumba which was a lot of fun! It was easier to keep up with than I thought it would be. I was actually disappointed when the time was up because I wanted to keep going!
I'm finding that the steam room and sauna does wonders for my sore muscles. I enjoy being able to relax after a workout. It feels good to have that "me" time.
My weight is currently still fluctuating, but I'm just focusing on doing what's good for my body rather than fretting about the numbers. In fact, I don't think I'll weigh myself again until after the last Face 2 Face meeting when they do my measurements. I think I will be disappointed if I don't see any results at that appointment, but I'm just going to keep chugging along regardless. Even if I'm not losing, I'm still gaining strength and I know that eventually the numbers will follow as well.
I love how good healthy foods make me feel. Last week I ate something unhealthy, I don't even remember what it was...maybe pizza, and I had the worst time trying to sleep because of reflux. I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff when I eat healthy. I don't miss the junk. I miss drinking something other than water sometimes, but it's not earth shattering.
The thing I like the best about all of this is the change I've seen already in energy. It's so much easier to do simple things like household chores with that extra bit of energy!
I'm excited to watch my body change! These are exciting times my friends!
Posted by Amy at 9:26 PM 0 comments